Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shopping Center & Mall Security

Why You Need A Great Security Company for Your Retail Store or Mall

Published on by: Wayne Manning

A good example of why your store, shopping center or shopping mall needs highly qualified security services is illustrated by the January 2012 riot and brawl that occurred at The Mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Flash Mobs For Criminal Activity

The Origin of the Security Problem

Unruly youths had used word of mouth and social media to organize what was supposed to be a Flash Mob. Theie efforts resulted in as many as 200 young people, none of which are belived to have been shoppers, crowded into the food court area of the Mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge. For unknown reasons the crowd of delinquents became agitated and restless. At some point gang style fighting began and a melee erupted. The chaos brought a quick repsonse by the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriffs department and Lousiana State Police.


Flash Mob Security Risks

While the original flash mobs focused on seemingly impromptu choreographed dancing, the Flash Mob craze has turned into a tool for criminals. The particiapnts in criminal flash mobs know that by assembling in large numbers they can rush into stores and steal armloads of goods with hardly any risk of being caught. In the crazed rush of riot style looting any innocent people in the paths of the criminals are at high risk of injury from physical battery, sexual assault, or worse.

As a property owner, store owner or chain store CEO you know that your company is at extreme risk of being sued by injured people who, perhaps righfully, believe that you did not provide adequate protection. All of the money you saved by using a cheap security company will be lost along with hundreds of thousands more dollars if you have these types of problems and people get injured. There is no rational reason to expect risks of problems from a flash mob or crazed shooter to end anytime soon.

Mitigating Legal Risks With Better Security

Hiring a better security company does not necessarily mean it is extremely expensive. Sometimes simply taking more time to assess the quality of the security officers, their backgrounds and training, and their ability to communicate and respond can make all the difference you need. To get the best possible security you should look beyond the bottom line on the security services proposals and actually interview the security companies. For example, finding a company that hires military veterans (many with combat patrol experience) will provide your business with a security presence that is vastly superior to a company that hires anyone willing to accept minimum wage ad show up for work.

Unfortunately we live in times where too many people are uncivil, irresponsible and downright lawless. To protect your investment, your store's future and mitigate personal injury lawsuit liabilities you should contact security and protection companies to learn more about their levels of retail store security services.

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